What is Applied Kinesiology?

Applied Kinesiology (also known as muscle testing) is a biofeedback of the muscular system. This is a method that helps us gather information on the body’s physiological and psychological level by stimulating the muscular system. Our bodies store information on a cellular level that tells us the history of you. Muscle testing is a great way of retrieving information that is imbedded into the cellular memory of the muscular system so we can gain homeostasis. Creating balance in our body again is the key goal. Some of the imbalances we can work on our:

  • Allergies

  • Imbalance of Chakras and Meridians

  • Need of Supplementation

  • Nutrition

  • Emotional Imbalances

How does Muscle Testing work?

Our bodies are pure energy and are consistently contraction and releasing muscles as a response to other energy we come in contact with. When being tested, the tester will elicit a contraction or release of the muscles by applying gentle pressure to the client or through their own body. This form of testing releases the knowledge of muscle cells by using the binary contraction – release response of the body.

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